Oxford student wins national essay prize


We are delighted to announce that Annabel Williams (Merton College, Oxford) has won the 2016 BAMS prize with the essay, ‘The pilot’s periplus: Ezra Pound, Cyril Connolly, and the forms of Late Modernist travel.’

Annabel will receive £250 and her essay will be published in Modernist Cultures.

The other shortlisted essays were:

Runner-up – George Potts (UCL), ‘”Influence poetry once more”: Allen Tate and Milton’s “Lycidas”’

Third place – Kirstin Smith (UEA), ‘”He was no fool. He was a bridge jumper”: Industrial fall guys in turn-of-the-century New York’


The British Association for Modernist Studies runs this annual essay prize for early career scholars who are studying for their doctoral degree, or who have been awarded their doctorate within the past five years, Entries can be on a wide range of disciplines including musicology, history, ethnography, and urban studies as well as literature.