Research Projects
Members of the English Faculty are involved in a wide range of research projects. Explore current and recent projects below.
CLASP (Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry)
CLASP (Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry)
Constructing Scientific Communities
Constructing Scientific Communities
Contagion Cabaret
Contagion Cabaret
Creative Multilingualism
Creative Multilingualism
Digital Edgeworth Network
Digital Edgeworth Network
Digital Miscellanies Index
Digital Miscellanies Index
Diseases of Modern Life
Diseases of Modern Life
Editing Beckett: Towards a Bilingual Digital Genetic Edition of Samuel Beckett’s Works
Editing Beckett: Towards a Bilingual Digital Genetic Edition of Samuel Beckett’s Works
Great Writers Inspire
Great Writers Inspire
Knowing Edward Lear
Knowing Edward Lear
Happy in Berlin
Happy in Berlin
Making History: Christian Cole, Alain Locke and Oscar Wilde at Oxford
Making History: Christian Cole, Alain Locke and Oscar Wilde at Oxford
Modern Fairies and Loathly Ladies
Modern Fairies and Loathly Ladies
Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation
Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation
Prismatic Jane Eyre
Prismatic Jane Eyre
Reading the Room
Reading the Room
Recovering Europe's Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700
Recovering Europe's Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700
Richardson Editions Project
Richardson Editions Project
Stuart Successions Project
Stuart Successions Project
The Poetry of Medicine
The Poetry of Medicine
Their Finest Hour
Their Finest Hour
The Oxford Traherne
The Oxford Traherne
TIDE: Travel, Transculturality, and Identity in England, c.1550–1700
TIDE: Travel, Transculturality, and Identity in England, c.1550–1700
Towards a new edition of the Wycliffite Bible
Towards a new edition of the Wycliffite Bible
Words in Wartime
Words in Wartime
Writers Make Worlds
Writers Make Worlds
Writing Pre-Conquest England: A History of Old English Prose