Thesis title: Philosophy and Style in Modern Poetry
Supervisor: Professor Matthew Bevis
Research interests: Modern Anglophone poetry, poetics, philosophy and/of/as literature (esp. pragmatism and philosophy of language post-Wittgenstein), stylistics, humour, literary criticism.
(Some) writers of interest: John Ashbery, Elizabeth Bishop, Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens. Theodor Adorno, Stanley Cavell, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
‘The Comedian as Wallace Stevens’, Essays in Criticism, 74.1 (2024), pp. 48–65, doi:10.1093/escrit/cgae002.
'That Funny Money-Man: A Hundred Years of Harmonium', Critical Quarterly, 66.3 (2024), pp. 119-125, doi:10.1111/criq.12781
'Reading the Data Subject’ (as member of the Privacy Settings Collective), Post45, cluster on ‘Reading with Algorithms’ (2023).
'The Chateau Hardware', Annulet, 8 (2024),
I also write literary and arts criticism for a range of outlets. My poems occasionally appear in magazines; earlier this year I was named the winner of the Telegraph Poetry competition. An interview I did about that (plus the poem) is available here: