Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Faculty has a variety of schemes to host postdoctoral academics. Among these are:
The Faculty invites Expressions of Interest from researchers who wish to apply to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship scheme (European Fellowships).
Candidates need to check carefully the detailed guidance for the scheme to ensure they are eligible. Broadly:
- Candidates should have a doctoral degree by the time of the deadline for applications (11 September 2024)
- Candidates must have a maximum of eight years’ experience in research, from the date of the award of their doctoral degree
- Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the UK for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline
The Faculty will select applications to support. Those interested should send a CV (maximum 2 pages), including a list of publications, and a two-page outline of the proposed research, addressing the aims and objectives of their intended project, research questions, its methodology, as well as intended outcomes, to They should mention the name of a Faculty postholder who is willing to act as their sponsor, and describe how their research would enrich the Faculty’s portfolio. The internal deadline for Expressions of Interest is Monday 3 June 2024, 5:00pm.
The Faculty of English at the University of Oxford invites expressions of interest from postdoctoral and completing graduate scholars who wish to apply for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme for entry in 2025.
The Fellowships are designed to enable outstanding, recent postdoctoral scholars in the Humanities or Social Sciences to obtain experience of research and teaching in a university environment for a period of three years, to strengthen their research and teaching track record and to improve their prospects of obtaining permanent posts by the end of the fellowship. More information about the scheme is available on the British Academy website. There are strict eligibility requirements and potential candidates are advised to check these carefully.
Candidates who intend to apply for a BA Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Faculty are asked to submit an application form to no later than 31 July 2024. You should also ask your proposed mentor to send a brief note of support (200 words or less) to the same address by the same date.
Please note that all applicants should have secured the agreement of a potential mentor within the Faculty, but mentors are not expected to provide any input into applications ahead of this stage.
You are also welcome to include, if appropriate, a separate statement of any circumstances that you feel may have impacted on your research track record (such as illness, parental leave, etc).
There is no guarantee that applications which arrive after the above date will be supported or processed. Candidates selected by the Faculty will be contacted by the Division’s Research Facilitation team with further information on the process and timetable for submitting your application via the British Academy application system. A Divisional workshop for selected candidates will be held in early September.
If you are interested in applying to this scheme via the Faculty of English, you should send a CV and 1-page outline of your research proposal to by Friday 2 February 2024. You should also name the Faculty member who has agreed to act as your UK sponsor.
Eligibility criteria and further information is available on this webpage:
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships are designed to support scholars at a relatively early stage of their academic careers (defined as having submitted their thesis for viva voce examination no more than 4 years prior to the closing date), but with a proven record of research. Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis. Further details about the scheme are available on the Leverhulme Trust website.
The deadline for the Leverhulme scheme is 20 February 2025, but to enable the Faculty to select the candidates that it wishes to support, applicants must submit expressions of interest by emailing the below documents to the Faculty ( by 12:00pm on Wednesday, 18 December 2024. Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the Leverhulme scheme before applying.
Required documents (preferably attached to the same email):
- a completed Expression of Interest form (.docx)
- a maximum 2-page Statement of Proposed Research (min Ariel 11pt, single spaced and 2cm margins): this should include aims, objectives, methodology and outcome (e.g. publication plans). The methodology should be clear and explicit, comprehensible to a non-expert. Include bibliographic references in full, including page numbers where relevant. (Candidates should not expect any input from their proposed mentors into their Statement of Proposed Research at this stage.)
- a maximum 2-page CV, including education, thesis title and examiners, any awards, and publications
- a Mentor Support form (.docx), completed by your proposed mentor
Candidates may also choose to include a statement of any circumstances which have impacted on their research progress (for example, periods of illness, or maternity / paternity leave, etc).
Potential applicants must not open an application with the Leverhulme Trust until Faculty support for their candidacy is confirmed in writing.
Please note: The Leverhulme Trust panel that makes these awards encourages a change of institution for its award holders. Potential applicants with Oxford DPhils must therefore ensure that their draft statement of research makes a compelling case as to why they need to remain at Oxford to undertake postdoctoral work.
Early Career Researcher Mentoring Scheme
In addition, we have our own Early Career Researcher mentoring scheme for academics employed within the collegiate University. This gives you the opportunity to be supported by a member of the English Faculty with similar research interests, and may offer help with preparing research plans and proposals, publication opportunities, external funding applications and career development. The mentoring arrangement varies, according to individual needs and experience, so that each mentee receives the support they need.
The ECR mentoring scheme is open to college postholders and college or faculty researchers who have been appointed to a post of at least one year. Further information is available from the Faculty Office.